Post Covid-19 Scenario
China’s Chernobyl (Covid-19), originated from Wuhan Lab has impacted every sector as worst as possible and it takes heavy heart to say it has taken many lives. Several measures are being taken to iron-out the situation and what’s inevitable is that people have to live with Covid-19 thereafter. Different leaderships around the globe dealing with the situation with half-in half-out lockdown approach, may or may not worse the situation. Since people have to live with Covid-19 around in near future, several steps to be considered in each sector to bounce back and not to bottom-out. And these measures are to be taken to survive in respective sector but not to gain profit and to look after long term goals.
If International bodies which are designed to safeguard public health are unable to deal with the situation, social cohesion can. The world with a mask-on can control the situation and helps to deal with virus where several antibiotics cannot. Several companies will burn-out their cash in coming months if this situation continues. Keeping this in mind, India should create large space to attract several MNCs which are moving out if China which helps in boosting economy. This can also helps in building another IT capital where presently Bangalore is the one.
Far look out on boosting economy only cannot helps to contain the situation as economy is not only the thing which is being disturbed by Covid-19. Look out on Economy, Health care, Education, Technology, Environment, Politics, Travel and tourism, Business and Employment can deal with post Covid-19 scenario.
Covid-19 destroyed economic growth of every country around the globe. It has driven global economy into to a downturn, where several findings are required to help developing nations. It becomes the major threat to financial stability. Amid the uncertainty about the impact, experts say it has been a great recession. Top most economic countries such as United States, China, Japan and many other are at verge of collapse. Needless to say, the world has been facing most difficult situation since World War-2. Global economy would shrink by almost 1%, where it was expected to grow 2.5% before the hit of pandemic. Coming to India, several consulting firms already has already predicted to be a GDP growth if 0%. If this continues, Indian employment could be at major risk. The early taken by the RBI is to decrease credit score, so that money would circulate in hands of many citizens and that will help in boosting the economy. But the problem could be demand is much larger than supply. If more money circulates in citizens, they tend to buy more products this will lead to decrease in stock of products, where now arises the case of demand more than supply. To combat this, RBI has to increase the credit score again. As this continues I the form of a circle, it can be termed as “Inflation Paradox”. So in order to avoid this, RBI has provide more funds to company to manufacture more products.
Health Care:
Since there is no perfect cure to Covid-19 up to date but several other methods are helpful in combat, such as Plasma therapy and hydroxychloroquine. At early stages of lockdown, people with problems related other than Covid-19 cannot turn up to hospital as there were only hospitals left open related to Covid-19, these situation created many problems to people living in villages and distant places from cities. Since India export of hydroxychloroquine made healthy relations with other countries, this can be perfect time for India to become a super power. In near future when cure to Covid-19 is out, there may be several international politics involved in so as to reduce the supply, India should look out in this situation as if cure can be developed by any other countries. However health care is generally immune to any recessions as we past can tell us that. But those were the times where demand for medical care is constant, as now is the other way around. Measures are to be taken not only physical health but also mental health too. As mental health is key part in social cohesion, with which we can tackle Covid-19. Government really had to generate more masks so as to stop the spread of pandemic. Apart from the government health care sector, the main recession can hit on public health care sector, as you can’t do business on a pandemic that shook the world.
Several state governments in India closed both schools and universities before the lockdown so as to stop the spread of Covid-19, which is a far-sight decision. Since the education is made available on digital apps around the country. This can continue for a short period but can’t make a long run. As online learning can’t get you all the availabilities that schools and universities can get you physically. After the lockdown, government has to consider teaching in schools and universities half at a time so as to minimize physical contact. Teaching half the syllabus on online apps, can also helps in minimizing the physical contact. Apart from this, government has to look out on how to conduct examinations, where that can gather several people at a place. Schools and universities within the country can boost back and fall in line as always in a period if time. Apart from this, several students are rethinking over there decision to study abroad. This is a crucial case to consider. Foreign universities has to steps in conduction if classroom programs and admission of international students. Feed aid and scholarships has to considered once again, as world is in the middle of a recession. As per UNESCO, national wide lockdowns are effecting 70% of world student population. Reconsidering the process of conducting classes and examinations will help tackle Covid-19.
Technology provides by AI is helping track the outbreak, cleaning hospitals and delivering supplies. India has already launched Arogya Setu mobile application to track Covid-19 positive people near by you. China are using robots in disinfectant hospitals and delivering medical essentials. Several countries are also using remote drones to control physical contact. Hyderabad city police already adapted AI modelled CC cameras to track people who are not wearing masks. Technology has a key role in controlling outbreak. Several Asian countries encouraging top colleges to develop or innovate newer methods to tackle Covid-19, which is a good sign. India should also adopt robots in hospitals as to minimize the physical contact. And several companies such as Reliance already added a tool in their in their website with which we can know the risk for Covid-19 of an individual. Using deep tech and data analysis to visualise the outbreak of Covid-19 is adopted by Singapore. From an WhatsApp chatbot to self diagnosis tool, African are adopting every possible way to contain Covid-19. These adoptions shows Technology has a crucial part to play in controlling the outbreak in the near future.
Since the implementations of lockdowns in every nation, environment is recovering itself. The carbon emission is sow low and it helps in Ozone layer to regain itself. Clear water in Venice canals, blue sky in Delhi and wildlife roaming everywhere in the lockdown cities is a positive outcome of Covid-19. Air quality levels in several high polluted cities has increased dramatically during the lockdown. This can be cheerful, but after the lockdown everything goes as usual. Cars and bikes will run on the roads which will cause high pollution, this will also inturn increases green houses which will effect the ozone layer. This should be controlled, after the lockdown environment has to protected like always. Wildlife has to be taken care of. Highly polluted cities in the nation has to implement several laws in using transport as it increases pollution. The situation right now is only a temporary dip in emission of CO2, which will not last forever. So in order not to rise the CO2 emission levels, pollution should be halted everyway possible. We don’t know what this high range of pollution will bring in near future, eh I could be far worse than Covid-19.
Politics has been always part of everything. Amid the pandemic, China's interference in Hong Kong proves how leaders are using the present situation to take over. To contain this outbreak healthy relations internationally is a important thing, but one should not use this situation to take control. Incase if vaccine is developed in any other country, it has be distributed all over the globe so as to save humanity but not to take control of. Counties and leaders around the world and their collective efforts will help in controlling the outbreak. Centralized governments in the nation and their support to the states can be helpful. Coming to India, Modi government likely planned Hindutva projects, a population control law and a uniform civil code, which are not viable at the moment. But the contain of virus and leadership skills of Narendra Modi are praised by several countries. This could also bring a change in Indian politics of which it has to deal with economic slowdown in the near future. Covid-19 has brought governance and economy back on a single stage. Looking at the rate to control of pandemic and several measures has been taken in the process to contain the virus by Indian government proves India is safe hands.
Covid-19 has increased unemployment rate drastically the in every country. Global unemployment is already at 190 million, where Indian employment could be near to 100 million at the end of pandemic. Several companies making employees to work from home. Whereas several other companies benched workers as they cannot pay salaries. Apart from the corporate sector, Covid-19 also hit urban labor drastically. People lost their jobs and can’t even move to their own state as nation is in a lockdown. Workers in sectors effected most are: food and accommodation (144 million workers), retail and wholesale (482 million), business services and administration (160 million) and manufacturing (463 million). Together they add up to 38% of global employment. The biggest loses are more in Asia-Pacific states. By second quarter of 2020, the working hours are likely to decline by 7%. This unemployment has also hit aviation sector as air traffic is decreased drastically. Apart from the fact all those who lost jobs are in process of making employment, a new problem could rise is making job honors for fresh graduates. As several companies already fired existing employees, there is question how they will honor the jobs of freshly graduated people.
All the startups and existing businesses has already seen drastic loss as in the first quarter of 2020. And all the remaining quarters, startups have to make a plan in surviving respective sector but not in making term goals to make profit. Several aviation and restaurants business closed as world is in the middle of lockdown. Automobile industry is also effected badly as there is no sale during the lockdown. May this sectors can boost up by last quarter of 2020, travel and tourism sector have a big challenge ahead. As people around the globe fear to travel to other country after the lockdown, this companies have to bear the loss by last quarter of 2020. In India, several startups should plan the remaining quarters to survive but not to make profits. Seed funding of upcoming startups should continue. Covid-19 has already changed the experience and mindset of customers and emerging businesses should mould in a way to tackle the upcoming scenarios.
Apart from all the destructions made by Covid-19, there are some ways to look at. It helped environment to regain itself. It has showed humanity that when it comes down to life, nothing matters more than it. This may set a example to future generations to keep clean ourselves and the environment. The main reason believed behind the outbreak is our intrusion in animal life. Animal selling markets has to stop as there far more things than a virus which shook the world. Hope this pandemic will help us to start new, be healthy, take care of environment and to live happily ever after. Covid-19 has made wounds on several sectors, the past Covid-19 scenario is bit worse and has to faced because the wounds may perish but the scars will remain.
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